Monday, May 3, 2010

It was not a bomb.

A bomb goes off. A bomb explodes...or at least has the potential to explode. So what was the NYC Bomb Scare? Well, in my opinion, a very disturbed individual's attempt to bring his never-neverland fantasies to fruition. I'm serious - you want to know what the police uncovered in that SUV? Ok:

- gasoline
- propane
- fire crackers
- pressure cooker
- alarm clock
- "a thicket of wires" <= which means just a mass of jumbled, tangled wires not connected to anything
- 8 bags of "non-explosive" fertilizer

They have video of a 'white, balding man' in his 'late 40s' changing his shirt on the street outside of a building.

Now, there is speculation that if this were a real (read: actually intended to explode) bomb, that it was meant for the South Park creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker. I don't really put much stock in that because they don't live there, but it's been said that the Viacom offices were located near the evidence-laden SUV. Viacom owns Comedy Central, who in turn, own Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

I maintain it is neither Taliban nor al Qaeda - but a madman pretending that the toys of his mind are 'real.'

But, I have to ask, why so little media attention paid to the very REAL and tragic attack on the Austin, Texas Echelon Building, where two people lost their life?

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